Sunday, March 4, 2018

We Differ in Our Calling

Each of us has a differs from one person to another..mine is different from yours..but it doesn't mean that I am superior than you the eyes of God we are the same..

He doesn't look at your achievements, He doesn't count how many books you've read and how much skills you have mastered..what matters to Him is your heart..what's inside your heart..that is what truly counts..

Higher education is a worldly concept of achievement, does it matter to God? It depends.  If you offered it to the Lord and worshipped Him while trying to achieve your diploma, then that is acceptable to Him..but if your motive is purely centered on self, sad to say, it doesn't count.

At the end of the day, what matters most is how well you worked for Christ..

The thing is, we should stop comparing ourselves to the success of can still be successful at what you are doing right now..that piece of rug you are holding is your trophy, an offering to the be proud in wiping the table, scrubbing the floor..those too are achievements..they matter to the Lord if they are done wholeheartedly in worship..

The only message here is that our level of success may differ, but in the eyes of God we are all the same, we are His creation..

May the Lord give us eyes that look at others the way He does..may He give us heart that love like He loves, and may He give us compassion so that we may feel what others feel when we bash on them unknowingly hurting them...

God’s Ways and Plans are Higher than Ours

  “ As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” - Isaiah 55:9 The Ps...