Thursday, April 21, 2022

God Keeps His Word


I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.” - Psalm 89:34

What God has spoken He will fulfill.

He is undoubtedly faithful.

It’s one of His characteristics - God’s nature.


If you happen to read all the scriptures in the book of Psalms, then you can testify how God declares His promises towards David. He then fulfilled it and will always fulfill it. In Him, there’s life, an eternal life and no one can thwart His promises to us.

If you are unsecured, seek His safe refuge.

If you commit sins ask for forgiveness from God and He is faithful and just to forgive you from all of your sins.

If there are times that you are unfaithful to Him, do know that God is faithful to you today, tomorrow and forevermore.

His words are blessings too.

A delay in your life is God’s protection to you. If there are prayers of yours that are not yet answered by God, sometimes He never fulfills it because it might lead you to dreary moments. But, take note that He has a plan for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you.

God keeps His word and one of those promises is God loves you at all times even if there are certain times of your life that you never acknowledge and want God anymore to be part of your life. He never leaves you nor forsakes you because He is the God of the gods, and the Lord of the lords.

If you’re looking for a sign and comfort by someone, then this is the time for you to read the Bible, God is speaking to you through His scriptures and verses.

Be thankful to Him as He will bless you in your entire life.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Trusting God in the Difficult Times

Fear you not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.”

 - Isaiah 41:10

As you live in this world, there are tough times which cause your faith to be shaken. There are also bad times and hurtful moments that seem to hinder you from moving forward.  You ask God about it: “Why are my prayers not answered?”, “If You are my God who is at my back, why am I made to suffer these things?”, “Why did you allow them, Lord?”, “Why me? I’m not a bad child.”, “What have I done to deserve this?”.

 You complain and start to blame God for allowing difficult circumstances to happen to your life. Truly, you are hurt and in grief afterwards. Clouds of questions are popping in and out of your mind as to why God allowed things to happen as they do. 

Everything is according to His plans, whether good or bad. If God is putting you in a situation wherein you badly need help, just pray and believe that He will help you get through it rather than making it harder by complaining.

 Your heart matters! So, never doubt.

As a believer of Christ, don’t you know that tough moments are sometimes tools for testing how deep and strong your faith is. He allows everything to happen because He has a purpose and a plan.  He loves to bless you and never to curse you nor make you suffer in any case.

 You are God’s child and you have to trust Him, obey His commands, be submissive and continue praising and worshipping Him.

 Time will come that God will reveal His reasons why He allowed certain things to happen in your life.  Your strong faith in God can move mountains of problems! So make tough times an opportunity to learn, grow and draw closer to Him.

             Remember that if you were not in those situations, the struggles and the story would have been different. He did it for a purpose and that is to share your story to somebody else out there.

              Give thanks in good times and pray when things don’t go well.



Monday, April 18, 2022

God Is Our Hope


Are you now in the deep sigh of a pained heart?

When you’re feeling like you are being mocked by someone and you don’t know what to do.

When you feel like you’ve had enough.

Psalm chapter 123, says, look to the Lord and cast yourself upon Him. In times of sorrow, hold the hands of the Lord and never go away from Him. Everything is well, it is managed by God. Focus on Him even more.

There are reasons why we should trust God:

-       God is able. He owns everything in this world. He is the King, thus, He is powerful.

-       God is our safe refuge. He secures all things in this world including His people and His plans. It is written and done with a purpose.

-       He is merciful. He offers His hands to anyone who needs help for He knows the right path to walk.

-       God sees everything. He knows your sufferings and He cares about you. He also knows your capabilities and limits.

-       He is a Savior whom everyone should know.

If God is what you need then He is your hope in your downfall moments, hopeless situations and difficult times. You just have to pray and ask for guidance and mercy. Pour out your heart to God. 

He is always faithful in listening to your prayers and He will carry you in His loving arms. 

Turn to God at all times. Hope is found in Him.



Saturday, April 16, 2022

Jesus is Risen!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." - 1 Peter 1:3

Jesus conquered death!

Easter Sunday is a day to celebrate.  This is the day that should be marked in the hearts of every believer in Christ. This is the day when Jesus conquered death!  He died on the cross for the atonement of our sins.  The sacrifice that Jesus made on Calvary made it possible for mankind to be reconciled to God the Father.

Every Christian must be thankful and grateful for what Jesus did on the cross.  Today, let us celebrate Christ risen from the dead.  HE conquered death.  HE saved me. HE saved you.  HE saved mankind. 

Thank you Jesus!

Friday, April 15, 2022

God's Words Are Pure


“The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” - Psalm 12:6

            The verse of the day reminds us that the words of the Lord are pure words. It is different from the words coming from the people of this world as His words are holy, faithful and true. It is purified seven times, exceedingly pure indeed.

His promises are true.

His words are flawless.

            He wants us to be reminded that we should draw closer to Him. To pay attention to His words and promises and not to human beings. I’ll tell you, if you listen to His small still voice you will certainly feel His sincerity, His faithfulness, and His presence.

            Don’t doubt, instead trust Him even more.

            In the Bible, there are a lot of promises that we should take as a motivation to keep going.

Promises that are worth keeping.

Promises that are set to be our strength amidst the problems and challenges we are facing.

Promises that we live and hope for.

Promises that only God can fulfill.

            Lift up to Him all your worries and uncertainties because His words are pure, and certain enough that you can surely find an answer.

Read your Bible.

Listen to His voice.

Meditate, and




Sunday, April 3, 2022

We See Because We Believe


“For we walk by faith, not by sight”. - 2 Corinthians 5:7

"To see is to believe" is a principle most people hold on to but is it what the Bible say? 

It takes faith in God to see things that are real, and it takes faith in God to see the evidence of the things that aren't real. The truth is we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus so we are to walk by faith and not by sight. God is at work even when we don’t see or when we don’t feel Him working.  There was never a time when He stopped working. God never stops working and God never falters. We should always keep praying and have faith in God even when we do not see an answer to our prayers. We should always trust that He is the God of the impossible and He is always with us - helping, guiding, protecting and loving us.  

As a child of God, we should stop saying that "To see is to believe'' instead say, "I live by faith and not by sight.’


God’s Ways and Plans are Higher than Ours

  “ As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” - Isaiah 55:9 The Ps...